Some Testimonials:-

Just a very short line to tell you of my appreciation for your 13th July performance.          Like last year, I would like to say thank you, and congratulations for an excellent performance.
Jean-Michel Boehm, Chairman
Federation des Associations Francais
en Grande-Bretagne

Many, many thanks for your brilliant contribution to Tuesday evening......what a great musician you are.
Laura Collins, Scribe of the
Grand Order Of Lady Ratlings

Judging from the laughter, yet another fantastic show!
Barry Roach
Wallington Rotary Club

Complimenti, una stupenda imitazione del grande danese! Davvero bravo. Congratulation

Translation -
                           Compliments, on a stupendous imitation of the great Dane (Victor Borge)!
Really clever. Congratulations

This is good music!

James Galway, World's Greatest Flautist

He is a genius!

Ike Isaacs, International Guitarist

Bruce is one of the best accompanists in the country

Ted Pope, drummer with the Tubby Hayes Big Band

With Andy Williams during the Miss World TV Spectacular

Your great backing with the orchestra is much appreciated

Andy Williams, American Recording Star